Stink Bugs Invade the District


Stink Bugs   

Maryland, DC and Virginia residents should prepare for a year filled with dimwitted, newly homeless stink bugs. Crops and plants are disappearing steadily as cooler weather creeps into the region, and stink bugs are taking their cue to jump ship from their leafy green summer homes to their winter abodes, which just so happens to be your house.

Stink bugs are basically harmless but their nuisance level is through the roof. They make their way in, often many at a time, through whatever means available to them in search of a warm place to spend the winter.

Many products available claim to be the cure-all for stink bug issues but the fact is there is no miracle spray that will keep them out of your hair. Rather, the best way to get rid of stink bugs is to keep them out in the first place with a proactive plan.

Don’t Let Them In

The first line of defense to any pest problem is sealing your house to a T. Make sure your windows and doors seal as tightly as they can so stink bugs can’t wiggle through an overlooked opening. Searching for cracks and holes in the outer wall of your home, like where the gas or cable lines go through are popular sites that may allow easy entrance into your home. Plugging these holes with steel wool or a similar material can drastically reduce the amount of stink bugs in your home.


Here’s hoping your pets aren’t afraid of the good ol’ vacuum because it is your new best friend in the battle against hoards of stink bugs in your home. If you find multiple stink bugs gathered in one place, take note of where they are congregating and use the vacuum to suck them up. Once they’re contained you can dispose of them easily by emptying the vacuum outside or into a bucket full of soapy water to kill the annoying critters.

American Pest has some of the best and brightest in pest control working diligently to come up with new and creative solutions to stink bug infestations. We offer comprehensive plans that can alleviate the headaches that loads of stink bugs are known to cause.





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