Northern Virginia Tick Control


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Ticks are relatively small ectoparasites that feed on the blood of humans and animals. In northern Virginia there are 4 main types of ticks that are common to the area:  the American dog tick, the Brown dog tick, the Deer tick, and the Lone star tick.  Although there no tick is less loathed than the other, the Deer tick is a known vector of Lyme disease in Virginia and suitable consideration should be in place to protect your pets and family from its potentially infectious bite. We're here to tell you more about your Virginia tick control options.

Virginia Tick Control Options To Consider:

1. Controlling ticks on pets is your first defense against preventing an invasion of these thirsty blood suckers from entering your home or business. Ask your veterinarian to recommend an approved flea and tick solution such as FrontlinePlus or K-9 Advantix.  Pets in Virginia, and all along the eastern seaboard, should have an annual Lyme disease screening in addition to any routine flea and tick treatments. Treatments should be administered according to the product labeling instructions between the months of March through November.

2. The second defense against ticks begins with personal protection. Nonchemical protection such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and a hat will offer some safety against ticks from gaining easy access to your skin during outdoor adventures. Increase your level of security by using premium insect repellants containing a minimum of 15% DEET. DEET is an excellent repellent for ticks as well as other insect pests like mosquitoes, mites and biting midges.  When applied and reapplied correctly, mosquito and tick sprays can offer several hours of protection.

3. During the hottest summer months of June, July, and August, ticks are at their worst in both urban and rural environments. Reduce tick populations around your property by maintaining lawns and overgrown foliage areas. When hiking or camping, stick to well maintained trails where the vegetation is likely to be nonexistent or worn. When taking your adventures off-trail, remember to wear appropriate clothing and reapply a mosquito and tick repellant spray every 4-6 hours.

How To Remove A Tick:

When the unfortunate discovery is made that a tick has latched onto your skin or pet, grab the following items and read the Center for Disease Control's tips on how to remove a tick safely and effectively.

  • Fine-tipped tweezers
  • Soap and water
  • Rubbing alcohol or iodine

To learn more about backyard tick control for your Northern Virginia home, contact the experts at American Pest.

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