Do You Need a Termite Inspection?



The main termite species here in the D.C. area is the Eastern subterranean termite, which is extremely destructive. This household pest is a serious economic timber pest that causes millions of dollars in damage in areas they are located. It has been estimated that at least 1 in 5 homes, within high activity areas, will be, or has been, attacked at some point by these wood-destroying insects. And it is important to note that these little home wreckers can chew away at your equity for years without being detected. Even the White House itself was infested for 2 to 3 years, or more, before they were discovered.

Because of the sneaky nature of these bugs, the difficulty in detecting their presence, and the extreme cost of the damages they inflict, it is imperative to have a professional termite inspection to protect your investment.

What to expect from a termite inspection:

Here at American Pest, we have been in business for 90 years. And in those years, we have learned a few things about termites. When you contact American for a termite inspection, a friendly pest technician will come to your home to do a thorough search in and around your home or business. Here are some things your technician will check for:

  • Termite Movement. Termites eat wood from the inside out, so you can't readily see them. Our trained inspectors are equipped with special tools that allow them to detect termite activity within a structure.

  • Mud Tubes. Termites build mud tubes from the soil to the wood of your home. An inspector knows exactly what these look like and where to find them.

  • Wood Damage. If there is termite activity in wooden structures inside or outside your home, there may be visible damage. A trained eye is able to spot and recognize this damage.

  • Evidence of Swarmers. When a termite nest matures it begins to produce male and female reproductives, also known as termite swarmers. While swarmers are an easy indication of a termite infestation, homeowners will often miss this sign because swarmers only appear for brief periods. But these reproductives leave signs behind that a trained pest professional will recognize.

If you suspect termite activity in your home or business, American Pest can help. Our termite control service is designed to eliminate termite problems effectively and permanently. Besides a thorough inspection, service includes:

  • The installation of the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System.

  • Continuous monitoring for new termite activity.

  • Regular maintenance of Sentricon® Systems.

American Pest services homes and businesses in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington D.C, including the White House. You can trust American Pest to protect your National Treasure. Get started today.


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