Big Freaking Bugs with, Like, a Million Legs! Using the Internet to Identify Your Pests


General Pest Control    Tips/Solutions   

You’ve probably been there, whether you’d admit it or not. You see long silver bugs congregating in your basement. Or you notice those tiny red things that always appear on your window sills. You may even encounter the little black buggers with red-tipped wings behind the siding of your house.

Maybe you’ve been on the phone with a pest control company, trying to describe the squirmy and hairy critters with, like, a million legs!

Whatever they are, you just want them out of your house, right? The thing we have to tell most homeowners that call us is the most important law of pest control, which is to know thy pest. The proper identification of the insect invader is the first step towards developing a strategic plan for giving your mystery "guest" the boot.

In this situation, most people turn to the internet, which is an incredible resource for finding anything about everything. The bad news is, typing “Giant Ugly Bug” into a search engine will fetch you as many as fourteen million search results (We checked), most of which will likely not help you confirm the proper identification.  

What’s a concerned homeowner to do? How about using social networking to answer your question?

Really! Pest control companies are interested in making social connections with followers who have an interest in bugs and pest control. Reach out to these companies on Facebook or Twitter. Their fan pages are managed by pest management professionals who are eager to help and can easily tweet or post a reply back to you quickly. Try snapping a few photos of the pests or shoot some video of them in action if you can and upload it to the company’s page to give them a visual to help you with. Also offer any additional information you can about the insect, how many there are, where you find them in your home and what if any damage they have caused.

You can also reach out to your friends online! Some of your friends that live in your neighborhood or region may have dealt with the same pest and may be able to provide more information about what to do to eliminate the nuisance or who to call to get the job done.

Give it a try! Let us know if this is a helpful tool in helping you identify those mystery bugs that try to infiltrate your home.

For more information about how we can help solve your pest problems, contact American Pest today at 1-877-282-1886, or fill out our online contact form. You can also check us out on Facebook or Twitter!


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