American Pest Entomologist Samuel Ramsey Featured in PCT Magazine



American Pest is proud to employ some of the best and brightest in the pest control business.  Entomologist and Ph.D. candidate at University of Maryland Samuel Ramsey is no exception to our all-star lineup of company representatives. Sammy was recently featured in a PCT Magazine profile describing his numerous accomplishments and his relentless drive for further greatness.

You can read the article here.

“He’s been a super addition to the technical group and has a very bright future in urban entomology and pest management,” says Dr. Kathy Heinsohn, Board Certified Entomologist at American Pest. Dr. Kathy has been one of Sammy’s mentors during his time at American Pest.

“I think it’s a great opportunity for a grad student to do an internship with a pest management company. It’s a great idea for any company to consider partnering up with their local university entomology or biology departments. The grad student learns the things not taught in text books, like how to solve pest problems in the real world where time, labor and material costs matter.”Dr. Kathy says.

Sammy has been with American Pest for less than a year but already his impact is felt throughout the company. He generally works with the entomology department but he has continued with his habit of going above and beyond the call of duty by working with the marketing department at local events and writing for American Pest’s website. Sammy has also traveled with American Pest in its partnership with the State Department.

Lately, Sammy has become an asset to the bed bug team, bringing back samples to the American Pest lab for further study. “His sharp eyes never miss a bed bug in an inspection!” Dr. Kathy praises.

Sammy has become an asset to the company and a joy to have around the office and in the field, “He’s upbeat and fun to mentor,” Dr. Kathy says.


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