American Pest at Six Flags



In conjunction with the Cricket or Ticket summer promotion, American Pest has partnered with local Six Flags to join in on the park's Social Media day.  Representatives, and hissing cockroaches, from American Pest will host a table inside the park on Friday May 28th.

"It's a great way to educate kids about the insect world," says Miranda Sherman, Marketing and Advertising Manager for American Pest.  "We've got our own travelling "bug show," so come on out and we'll take your picture holding a 'hisser'."

The Cricket or Ticket summer contest event kicks off  the week of May 24th by giving away (2) season passes to Six Flags.  

To learn more about the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, or to pet one, keep your eyes peeled for the "pet a roach" posters inside the Six Flags theme park between 10:30am and 3:00pm on Friday May 28th.  If you can't make it out to jump start Memorial Day weekend, join us the following Friday (June 4th) for Outdoor Classroom day.


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