Yellow Jackets Can Bite & Sting Multiple Times!


Stinging Insects   

Late summer and fall are the times of year when stinging insects like yellow jackets become very active and aggressive; because of this you and your family need to be aware of their presence in order to protect yourselves from a painful sting. As their name suggests yellow jackets have yellow and black bodies, although some species may have white and black coloring. They generally measure from 10-16 mm in length, and are often mistaken for bees, but have a thinner body, pinched waist, and elongated wings.

Yellow jackets typically build their nests in the ground but sometimes will build them in buildings, in empty wall cavities, retaining walls, and in hollow tree stumps. Yellow jacket nests built in the ground near homes are generally found under porches, decks, or steps, and around landscaping ties. Out in the wild yellow jackets are beneficial by pollinating crops and feeding on nuisance insects, but yellow jackets near your home can be very dangerous and often need to be removed.

During the summer a yellow jacket colony has been building up its numbers, and in the fall the colony is at its peak size, sometimes having thousands of members in it. During the fall months the workers of the colony are frantically buzzing around trying to collect enough food for the queens to overwinter with. Because the yellow jackets are busy and stressed, they become much more aggressive, and will not hesitate to sting in order to defend themselves or their colony.

If you happen upon a yellow jacket nest, the best way to avoid getting stung is to slowly move away from the nest, when yellow jackets are agitated they are drawn to fast movements. Yellow jackets have a barbed stinger and have the potential to sting multiple times, inflicting more pain and welts with each sting. While very painful, for most people a yellow jacket sting causes no significant health risks.

However, if you have been stung before, are stung multiple times, or are allergic to their venom, a sting can become life-threatening. Signs of an allergy to the venom of a yellow jacket may include hives, difficulty breathing or swallowing, hoarseness, coughing, tightness in the chest, or slurred speech. If you or anyone you are with exhibits these symptoms immediate medical attention should be sought.

If you discover a yellow jacket nest close to your home, or where you and your family spend a lot of time out in your yard a professional exterminator should be contacted. Experts like the ones found at American Pest will be able to safely remove the yellow jackets from your property and eliminate their nesting area. With professionals taking care of the problem for you, you won’t have to worry about a painful sting; instead you can just once again enjoy your yard safely with your family and friends!

For yellow jacket control in Montgomery County, contact American Pest today!


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