Who Loves An Early Spring? The Ticks Do!



The good news is that this mild winter has allowed more people to get outside and enjoy the early arrival of spring. Whether it’s hiking, taking a stroll, or even just a cookout in your back yard, it seems everyone has had the chance to get out earlier than usual. Spring fever has set in and while we are just as excited about this as the next person, the pest control professionals at American Pest would like to add a  word of caution about ticks.  With all the hype of early spring weather many fail to recognize what this does in the natural world. Pests such as the deer tick are already showing up in Baltimore, Columbia and throughout Maryland, and along with ticks comes the threat of Lyme disease. I know, nothing kills your warm weather buzz as a discussion about tick bites.

The deer tick, also known as the black legged tick, is one of the common species of ticks found in our region and also one that is known to spread Lyme to people and pets. In order to avoid the illness that may accompany a tick bite, it is important to stay alert while enjoying the outdoors and to take steps to prevent ticks from hitching a ride back on your clothing or skin.

  • Wear clothing that covers the entire body when spending time in the deep woods.

  • Walk in the center of trails if possible as ticks wait for their hosts in the areas that transition from deep woods to paths.

  • Apply a repellent with DEET that helps to ward off ticks.

  • Take a shower when you arrive home and inspect your body for any crawling ticks.

  • Make sure to check your kids for ticks when they get back inside after a day of playing.

  • Apply tick preventative products to your dogs, especially when you live in an area near the woods or with tall grass and lots of landscaping.

  • Try to keep your own property free of tall grass and mow your lawn frequently in order to help control ticks.

Go ahead and take full advantage of the early arrival of spring this year, just do it safely. There are many ways to still enjoy the outdoors minus the health risks and illnesses that come along with ticks. For those who would like more information on ticks in Maryland and the D.C. metro area, contact American Pest today! Our tick mitigation program can help control the ticks on your property so you can get back to the important things like planning your next bbq.


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