Six Quick & Simple Ways To Reduce Mosquitoes Around Your Maryland Property


mosquito outside

Spending time outside on your Maryland property can be difficult in the summer months for one main reason: Mosquitoes. These pesky insects can turn an enjoyable evening in your backyard into a dash to the back door to get inside out of their reach. If you’ve been having trouble with too many mosquitoes on your property, it’s time to do something about them. Our quick and simple ways to reduce mosquitoes around your Maryland property will help.

What Are Mosquitoes?

Although most people know what mosquitoes are, it never hurts to refresh your memory, and perhaps learn a few new facts in the process.

Mosquitoes are insects, and there are over 3,000 species of them worldwide. Only a few species are active in Maryland, and their common names are the yellow fever mosquito, the Asian tiger mosquito, and the common house mosquito. While these three species vary in certain aspects, they have many things in common.

Mosquitoes are small, have six legs, and a pair of antennae. They often appear gray or brown but can vary in color. Their most defining feature is their proboscis. It is made up of six needle-like mouthparts that make it easier for the mosquito to pierce your skin and find blood vessels in order to suck your blood.

Only female mosquitoes suck blood. Male and female mosquitoes both eat nectar, but females need blood in order to breed. After feeding, a female mosquito will take up to several days to digest the blood meal before looking for an area of standing water where she can lay her eggs.

Mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at a time. These will hatch into larvae that stay in the water until they become adults. In warm weather conditions, this process takes about two weeks.

Why Are Mosquitoes On My Maryland Property?

There are several reasons why you might find mosquitoes on your property. First, though, it’s important to understand that it’s unlikely that you’ll find any property in Maryland that is 100% mosquito-free. Although most mosquitoes don’t travel far from their original breeding site, they can travel several miles, which means that during mosquito season, there will always be at least a few errant mosquitoes around.

However, in many cases, the mosquito populations on a Maryland property are more than they need to be. This can happen for a few reasons.

First, mosquitoes will be found in locations where there are plenty of areas of standing water. Female mosquitoes require standing water to lay eggs, so they won’t stick around a very dry place.

In addition to standing water, mosquitoes also prefer areas that are high in moisture simply for their own comfort. A warm, moist environment is a mosquito’s ideal location. That makes most Maryland properties prime locations for mosquitoes in the spring, summer, and even into the fall.

Mosquitoes also prefer places with plenty of foliage where they can hide and rest during the hottest parts of the day. If your property has overgrown shrubbery or bushes, unmowed grass, or a lot of trees, you’re more likely to have a mosquito problem.

Are Mosquitoes Dangerous?

The short answer to if mosquitoes are dangerous is yes, they are. The longer and more surprising answer is that not only are mosquitoes dangerous, but they’re also the most deadly animal in the world. If you combine the human fatalities that occur from snakes, crocodiles, hippos, and bears each year, it doesn’t come close to how many people are killed by mosquitoes in a single year.

Mosquitoes are responsible for killing up to one million people each year. It may seem improbable, but when you consider how easy it is for mosquitoes to transmit dangerous diseases, it becomes easier to see how they could infect and kill many people

Malaria is the illness spread by mosquitoes that causes the most deaths each year. Thankfully, although there are a couple of thousand cases of malaria in the U.S. each year, the majority of those are contracted in other countries and are typically discovered in people after they come to the U.S.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean people in the United States have nothing to worry about when it comes to mosquitoes. They are capable of spreading many other illnesses that can be dangerous or fatal if not treated.

West Nile virus is the most common mosquito-borne illness in the U.S. Most people who contract it have no symptoms. Those who do typically develop a fever, along with flu-like symptoms including body aches, joint pain, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In rare cases, West Nile virus can cause an infection in the central nervous system that results in encephalitis or meningitis, which can cause death.

Zika virus was first found in the U.S. only a few years ago. In the majority of people who become infected with the Zika virus, the symptoms are mild and include fevers, headaches, rashes, and muscle pain that last for several days to about a week. However, the Zika virus can have devastating effects on unborn babies. It is known to cause birth defects that affect the brain

Dengue causes illnesses in about 25% of the people who contract it. Symptoms usually include a fever, but can also include nausea, rash, and body aches. While most cases are mild, a severe case can become life-threatening within a few hours.

Eastern equine encephalitis is rare but dangerous. Symptoms include fever, chills, and malaise, and most people recover in a couple of weeks. However, if the virus attacks the central nervous system, it can cause meningitis or encephalitis. Of those who get encephalitis, about a third die and many of those who recover have long-lasting effects.

What Are Some Quick And Simple Ways To Reduce Mosquitoes Around My Maryland Property?

When you realize how dangerous they are, reducing mosquitoes around your Maryland property becomes a bigger priority. Not only does taking steps to eliminate mosquitoes reduce your risk of contracting an illness, but it also makes being outside more enjoyable. No one likes having to fend off hungry mosquitoes when they’re trying to relax in their own backyard.
The following suggestions are simple ways to reduce the mosquito populations around your property. The first two are quick-fixes that won’t work for any length of time besides when they’re in effect. The others can help reduce mosquito populations on your property for longer periods of time.

Set Out Fans. If you want to spend time in your backyard but are being attacked by mosquitoes, a fan or two in the area where you’re spending time can help. Mosquitoes are not strong fliers and will likely get blown away by the fans. This solution will not remove any mosquitoes from your property and will only work while the fan is on. Furthermore, it can be uncomfortable for those sitting closest to the fan, but it works in the short term

Wear Bug Spray. If you have to be outside and the mosquitoes are atrocious, wearing bug spray works in a pinch. Use a spray that has DEET. If you’re not comfortable spraying it on your skin, you can spray it on your clothes instead. This is another solution that will only work for as long as you’re wearing the spray, and it will not eliminate any of the mosquitoes on your property; it will simply keep them off your body.

Remove Standing Water. This is the most effective DIY method for reducing mosquitoes around your Maryland property. Mosquitoes need stagnant water to breed, and if you don’t have any on your property, you not only will have fewer female mosquitoes hanging around, but you also won’t have new adult mosquitoes taking flight every couple of weeks. Water can build up in many areas that you might not think about. Take a walk around your property and look for upturned buckets, children’s toys, loose pool covers, shallow areas in your driveway or lawn, clogged rain gutters, areas where water collects in your landscaping, pet dishes, and other spots with standing water. Remove or eliminate as many as you can.

Eliminate Excess Moisture. Besides eliminating standing water, it’s also wise to get rid of areas with excess moisture. Although these spots may not be a breeding area for mosquitoes, they will encourage mosquitoes (as well as other pests) to stick around, and they could turn into areas of standing water if not taken care of. Pay careful attention to shaded spots, since these areas don’t receive as much sun as other areas and thus take longer to dry out.

Cut Back Foliage. Cutting back the foliage around your house has a couple of benefits when it comes to reducing mosquitoes around your Maryland property. First of all, it allows the sun to reach more areas of your yard, which helps keep your property drier. Second, by cutting back foliage, you reduce the areas around your property where adult mosquitoes can rest during the day. Trim bushes and shrubbery in your landscaping, especially right around your house or in the areas where you spend most of your time outdoors. Make sure to keep your grass trimmed as well.

Enlist The Help Of Professionals. The best, most effective way to reduce mosquitoes around your property is to enlist the help of the professionals at American Pest. We are experts in mosquito biology and behavior, and we have the skills, products, and equipment necessary to drastically reduce the mosquito populations around your house. At American Pest, we employ a three-step mosquito control program to make your property a safe and enjoyable place to spend your time. First, we inspect the property to determine the areas where mosquitoes breed and spend their time. Next, we use a specialized misting system to apply a treatment to your yard, focusing especially on shrubs, bushes, and areas that are known to retain moisture. Finally, we treat mosquito breeding areas that can’t be eliminated, such as small ponds or swampy areas, with a larvicide to prevent mosquito larvae from growing into adults. Our mosquito treatments are performed monthly during their peak times of activity, typically April through September. This keeps mosquito populations around your property low all season long. We also offer one-time treatments for special occasions.

If you are ready to take your Maryland property back from pesky, dangerous mosquitoes, it’s time to take action. Follow our DIY steps for mosquito reduction and contact American Pest to take care of the mosquito attractants on your property that you can’t do anything about. We are ready to make your yard a pleasant place to spend the summer.


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