A Thanksgiving Saga!


General Pest Control    Mice   

This is the best time of the year!   There are now only days left until the official start of the 2015 Holiday Season!  Thanksgiving is not only the official start of the ‘holidays’, but it is also considered by many to be the ‘favorite’ holiday of the year.  Let’s face it; you have not had too much hustle and bustle in the way of shopping yet.  A few trips to the grocery store, a stop at the bakery, and a trip to the farmers market makes the shopping complete.   Tom turkey is on order, and you can pick him up on Tuesday.  Fresh turkey!  Yum!  The bread for stuffing is in the freezer along with all those delectable vegetables.  Your cupboard is overflowing with nuts, berries, apples, oh and that perfect Hubbard squash is on the counter.  Your refrigerator is packed so tightly with goodies that you can barely find a place for the milk carton.   Now that the food has been taken care of, it is time to finish your most dreaded job! Cleaning!
The carpets have all been washed and the guest rooms have been made up with fresh linens and the guest bathroom has fresh towels.  The hardwood floors have been washed and the dusting is done; however, you still have windows to wash and bathrooms to clean – and time is running out.  It seems like you will never get it all done before that doorbell rings!  
You are frantically working to finish cleaning that guest bathroom late one evening when something catches your eye.  At first you think it is an innocent spider.  “Not much to worry about, after all it’s only one,” you decide as you turn your attention back to scrubbing on the floor of the shower.  But, you just can’t shake that feeling that you are being watched.  That spine tingling, heebie jeebie chill just won’t quit.  You finally decide to turn around; and as you peer to the right of the toilet, in the far back corner, you see it!  No, it couldn’t be, you think.  Crawling in for a closer look you discover it!  Sure as anything there is a cockroach scurrying to find its tiny crevice to disappear into!
The fear grips you all at once.  You realize that if there is one cockroach, there are many, many more in the shadows deep inside your walls – and Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom will be here in 2 days!  The panic sets in and you toss and turn the entire night sure that cockroaches are crawling all over you as you try to sleep!  Morning finally dawns and you drag your exhausted, sleepless body to the kitchen for a cup of Joe waiting for 8:00 so you can call the pest control company!  But which one should you call?  You wipe through the cobwebs in your brain and somewhere deep inside its recesses you remember that your friend, Jan, had a problem with mice last year.  Who was it she called?  You think for a moment and it comes to you – American Pest!  You remember Jan telling you how wonderful and knowledgeable those technicians were.  She had said that they were discreet and quickly took care of those mice.  Jan had said that after her scare she partnered with American Pest through one of their affordable pest control programs so she wouldn’t have to worry about those pests again!  Yes, that is exactly what you are going to do, you decide.
As you dial their number, you wonder if they can help – after all, there are only 2 days left until Aunt Mary arrives!  The friendly lady at American Pest answers the phone and after just a few minutes in conversation she assures you that a technician will arrive that very day.  What a relief!  Certain that you have made the right call, you jump in the shower, dress, and run quickly to pick up that fresh Tom turkey you ordered, all in plenty of time to meet the American Pest technician at 11 o’clock.
The doorbell rings 2 days later and you cheerfully greet your aunt and uncle.  As you are showing them to their room, you think back to the traumatic events just a few days earlier.  You remember how fast and efficient that gentleman from American Pest was, and how he saved your holiday!  You, too, never want to be faced with the horror of unwanted pests squatting in your home again; so you signed up for that year-round pest control plan.  A smile comes across your face as you turn back toward the kitchen knowing you have that American Pest peace of mind!


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