How Pantry Moths Get Into Maryland Pantries And How to Keep Them Out


Indian Meal Moths   
indian meal moth up close

Pantry Moths are a common pest in Maryland pantries and can be incredibly difficult to remove without professional help. Engaging in moth prevention is the best way to deter this pest from entering your home.

What Are Pantry Moths?

The Indian meal moth, often called pantry moths, have a characteristic wing pattern once they reach their adult form. The bottom half of their wings are distinctly reddish-brown or bronze-colored with an off-white or grey hint near the body. The larvae of this moth infest stored food products and tend to live and feed there until they reach adulthood. From there, the moth lives a short adult life of up to 19 days where it mates and then leaves behind more eggs in food packaging to continue the life cycle.

It may be possible for Indian meal moths to enter your home through an open window or cracked door, but it is much more likely that this pest comes into your cupboards as an egg, hiding out in any stored food product you may have. As you purchase packaged goods such as flour, cereals, and nuts and bring them into your home from the store, the eggs will hatch into larvae and feed on the food. They can enter into these packages either during the food production, while at the store, or in your home if you already have a problem with Indian meal moths.

Indian Meal Moth Prevention Tips

If you want to ensure your cupboards are free of Indian meal moths, you may want to undertake these prevention tips and keep your eye out for signs that this pesky insect has invaded your home:

  • Carefully inspect stored goods at any grocery store you are shopping in. You should be looking for webbing along the corners or inside of the packages. There may be an unpleasant odor in flour or cereal products or stickiness that causes grains to clump together. Don’t purchase items with these signs and inspect the goods in your pantry for these items as well, throwing out anything suspect.

  • Make sure the food in your pantry is properly sealed. Many individuals choose to remove items from the store packaging and seal them in glass or plastic containers. This provides a more air-tight seal and allows you to inspect items as you transfer the product carefully and after the food has been stored in your cabinet.

  • Ensure that potential entry points into your home are sealed. It is not common for pantry moths to enter through a door or window, but closing up all gaps and cracks will help to prevent them and any other pests in your home.

  • Clean out your cabinets and food storage areas regularly. Wipe off all surfaces, declutter the area, and throw away expired food promptly to reduce the chances of an infestation start and growing out of control.

Complete Moth Removal

If you are struggling with an Indian meal moth problem in your Maryland home, the best way to get rid of this pest in all stages of its lifecycle is to enlist the help of the professionals at American Pest. We provide safe and affordable, and simple home pest controls service plans to ensure complete moth removal from your home. Call us today to book your free estimate or use our online contact form.


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