How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Washington D.C. Home


jumping spider up close

Spiders in your Washington D.C. home may be a common occurrence, and while most are harmless, they are not always a welcome sight on your property. Understanding why spiders enter your home can help you prevent them more easily.

Understanding Area Spiders

There are several different types of spiders common to the Washington D.C. area that you may find in your home:

  • Jumping Spiders: Small to medium-sized jumping spiders range in color. They typically hide from humans and move fairly slowly, but they can jump large distances when threatened. This spider type typically doesn’t bite humans unless attacked.

  • Wolf Spiders: Though they look slightly terrifying with their large brownish bodies and tan stripes, wolf spiders are another fairly harmless spider species. They generally hide away from humans. 

  • Grass Spiders: With a similar appearance to the wolf spider, grass spiders are generally harmless. They have two dark stripes on their back and a tan midline, and their fangs and typically not strong enough to puncture human skin.

  • Black Widows: Though they are more common in Northern Virginia, D.C. homes may host black widows from time to time. This spider has a black round body with red hourglass markings on the abdomen. Unlike most other spiders in the area, a bite from a black widow should receive immediate medical attention.

Many spiders will enter your home in search of food, water, or shelter. They will come in through any gaps or cracks in your home’s windows, doors, or foundation for prey or safety. If you are encountering many spiders in your home, it may be because you have another underlying pest problem that is attracting spiders onto your property. Dealing with these pest prey (such as ants, beetles, or cockroaches) can also help to improve any spider infestation problem you are having. Contact the professionals at American Pest for more advice or assistance with this.

Spider Prevention Tips

There are several prevention tips that you can follow to keep spiders away from your Washington D.C. home and property:

  • Seal up potential entry points around your house. This includes repairing gaps and cracks in windows, doors, and your home’s foundation, in addition to replacing damaged weather stripping or worn-out window and door screens.

  • Store all trash and food properly as the aroma of these things can attract other pests. Spiders will come in looking for these other insects, leading to an even bigger infestation in your home.

  • Correct moisture issues and leaks both inside and outside your home. Most pests and spider types are attracted to moisture and may enter your home or property for easy access to it.

  • Clear your yard and home or any clutter or debris. Keep grass trimmed low and clean out garages, attics, and basements to prevent spiders or other pests from having easy hiding spaces in and around your home.

Professional Pest and Spider Removal

Spider infestations often go hand in hand with other pest problems. The best way to handle a pest infestation and get rid of spiders in your home is to call the professionals at American Pest. They will be able to evaluate your problem and deliver efficient solutions, so your home remains pest-free.


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